How families can book for all family members with one account only
How families can book for all family members with one account only
We are happy that we can present to you the BETA Version of family accounts, which enables families to use one account for booking for all their family members. This article should give you a brief overview of what you need to know. You will find answers to the following questions:
What does a family account actually do?
How can a family account be created?
...and other various frequently asked questions.
What does a family account actually do?
When customers use family accounts, there are several advantages and implications:
Family account owners can book for multiple family members by using just one login
Invoices for purchases done for every family member are in the name of the family account owner
Bookings of every family member can be managed through this account
Saved payment methods of the family account owner can be used for purchases of every family member
When the family account owner creates a family member and makes the first booking or purchase, both the family account owner and the family member are created as customers in your Manager
How can a family account be created?
Your customers can now create a family account. When they log in at your booking widget or at Eversports, they see a new menu item called "Book for a family member".

When clicking this, they are forwarded to the creation process.

All they have to do is to create at least one family member by entering the first- and last name and the family account is created.

When this is done, the family account is created and the customer can select, for which user s/he would like to book. This is also the step that a family account owner sees, whenever s/he logs in again to Eversports.

If another family member needs to be selected, this can always be done via the menu - either in the widget or via Eversports via the menu.

When a customer then enters the booking process, s/he will receive the info for which family member they are booking. S/he could also change the family member as well, directly in the process.

When the booking is done, the family account owner and the family member for which it was booked are created as customers in your Manager with the info of the family account.

When a customer creates a family account, do I see that immediately in the Manager?
As with other bookings, the customers become visible in your Manager, when a booking is done.
Can I create a family account in the Manager?
This cannot be done, as there are some legal implications that must be avoided. So, as with many other software applications, this has to be done by the customers themselves.
What if a customer already has bookings, but with a profile of "normal" customers in the customer management?
In this case, there is an option for this customer to share the family member profile through your booking widget with you. When the customer logs in as this family member in your widget and looks at "My bookings" or "My passes & memberships", there's an option to notify you. When this is done, the family account owner and family member are created as customers in your customer management. Additionally, you receive an email informing you about the creation. So you could then merge the existing profile of the "normal" user to this family member.

Can the family account owner and the family member have different logins?
No, this is not possible. A family account always has one family account owner with login only. If a family member should be able to manage her/his own bookings and pay for themselves, the family member can be removed from the family account by your customers.
How can a family member be removed?
When the family account owner logs in, s/he can see a menu item called "Family members".

There, you find the removal option and can choose between just removing a family member or removing a family member by granting this member an own login. If the latter is chosen, an email is sent out, inviting this person to create an own account. When this is accepted, the family member is removed from the family account.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to reach out to us.