Connect your Eversports Manager to your BODDY account
The new BODDY extension is not like any other aggregator API. They focus on promoting your studio via travel platforms such as Tripadvisor, Hilton or Expedia and bring travelers who want to stay active during their vacations to your studio.
To learn more about how you can cooperate with BODDY and list your offerings via their app check out their website or reach out directly to [email protected] .
Once you have started using BODDY you can connect your Eversports Manager to automatically list your offerings and synchronize bookings through the API. So how does it work?
1) Activate the BODDY extension
When you log in to your Manager and navigate to the market page you can find a new extension called BODDY. Click on 'Learn more' and follow the activation process to activate the extension. You will then receive an email with confirmation and information about your next steps.

Unlike other aggregator extensions it can be activated for free for now as BODDY takes over the monthly costs for the extension for early adopters. If you have not been using BODDY so far, please reach out to them via [email protected] to learn more and get started.
2) Activate your activities for BODDY
Your activities will not be visible on BODDY until you activate them in your Eversports Manager. You can decide which classes or trainings you want to activate through the API. To activate an activity for BODDY, go to the settings for that activity.

In the tab Rules of the activity settings, you now find the option "Aggregator bookings". Here you can change the setting to "Allow bookings from aggregators" if you want to offer all sessions of that activity via BODDY. It is also possible to limit the amount of slots that you want to offer BODDY customers.

If you want to make all the dates of this activity bookable for BODDY, you can select the option "Allow aggregator bookings".

Once you save your settings, the appointments of that activity are sent directly to BODDY via the API once successfully connected.
3) Inform the BODDY support
Once you have activated your first activities for BODDY, you can contact [email protected] and let them know that your API is ready to go. The support team of BODDY links your Eversports Manager to your BODDY account. If you don’t have a BODDY account yet, then the support team will provide you with all the information that you need to open up an account.
You will need two IDs from your Eversports Manager which you can find in the menu Settings > Aggregators
This is how the API works:
Once your API is successfully set up, the following steps are automated:
Synchronizing activities
Once your Eversports Manager is linked to your BODDY account, the appointments from classes & trainings that you activated for aggregators are sent directly to BODDY. This eliminates the need to manage your schedule twice.
Bookings and cancellations directly through the API
When customers book or cancel through BODDY, these bookings or cancellations are transferred directly into your Eversports Manager. Bookings can be found in the sign-in of activities, where you also find the bookings of your own customers. BODDY bookings have automatically selected the product "BODDY" and cannot be manually cancelled from an activity.

When you cancel an activity, BODDY is automatically informed about the cancellation, so that they can inform their customers about it.
Customer creation via the API
When a customer books through BODDY, that customer is automatically created in your Eversports Manager. For customers who book via the API, the aggregator ID is automatically stored in the customer profile. This ID ensures that future BODDY bookings with this ID can be automatically assigned to this customer.

If you already have customers in your customer management who regularly use BODDY, you can manually enter the BODDY ID in their customer profile. To do this, go to the customer profile in your Eversports Manager. There you will find the section "Customer IDs of aggregators" in the tab "Details". By clicking on the 3 dots on the right you can enter the BODDY ID for this customer:

If this customer then books via the API, the booking will be assigned to this customer profile. No new customer will be created.
We wish you all the best with BODDY!