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How to archive customers
Archive your customers
1) Archive your customers
Follow these steps to archive your customers:
In menu Customers click on the customer you want to archive. A pop up with the customer information pops up > click on the 3 dots > Archive Customer
A pop up appears asking if you are sure that you want to archive this customer.
Click on: 'Yes, archive Customer'.
2) How to de-archive your customers
To de-archive an archived customer you have to follow the next steps:
Go to menu Customers > Overview > Filter. Now a pop-up appears.
Scroll down to Current /archived customers and select 'Archived Customers' and click on Apply filter.
Now you have a list of your archived customers.
Select the customer you want to de-archive > 3 dots > Restore customer -
A pop-up appears to confirm. Click on 'Restore customer'. Now the archived customer is back in your customers list.