
How to attract new customers via the Eversports Marketplace

Discover all the benefits of the Marketplace for your business and customers

As a business owner, you know better than anyone else how valuable your customers are for your company.

In the meantime, surely you already know how challenging it is to acquire new clients and to forge long-lasting relationships with them.

1) What are the advantages of the Eversports Marketplace

At Eversports we firmly believe that our software can help you attract new clients and increase your visibility:

  • The Eversports Marketplace: if you use Eversports Manager, your studio will be automatically listed on the Eversports Marketplace, which makes your offer immediately accessible for a wide range of customers who browse the Eversports app and website daily.

  • Our team is continuously improving the online presence of our partner studios in the search results.

2) What are the costs for my company?

Unlike other marketing channels, Eversports works in the most transparent way.

No cure no pay. Only if Eversports succeeds in bringing you NEW customers, the Marketplace fee is applied. This amounts to 16% of the paid revenue by new customers coming from the Eversports platform.

  • When does this fee go into effect?
    This fee is calculated starting from January 2022.

  • Does this apply to all my clients?
    No. This applies only to NEW customers who book at your studio for the first time via the Eversports Marketplace.

  • Who determines if someone becomes a Marketplace customer?
    When a customer books at your studio for the first time, the customer must indicate the channel through which they came to the studio. The options to choose from are:

    Only if new customers check the Eversports option, they will be considered Marketplace customers.

  • What if new customers are mistakenly labeled as Marketplace customers?

    If a customer has been incorrectly labeled as a 'Marketplace customer' you can contact [email protected] with some proof that the customer was already part of your customer base. Eversports can easily reverse this.

  • Where do I see which customers are the 'Marketplace customers'?

    On the menu Dashboard in your Eversports Manager you have an overview of all Marketplace customers and their purchases. Additionally, a Marketplace customer will always have an Eversports logo next to their name in the menu Customers.

  • When does this fee stop?
    The Marketplace fee is a maximum of €100 per customer. Once this amount is reached for the new customer, the Marketplace fee stops. Any additional revenue made by this customer is entirely profit for the studio.

  • Are there other fixed costs?
    There are no fixed costs for marketing activities.

  • How can my studio benefit from the Marketplace?
    This is a win-win situation. On one hand, if Eversports is able to lead new customers to your studio, they will generate higher income. On the other hand, the Marketplace fee is for you more cost-effective than the resources you would need to invest to attract one single new customer via conventional marketing channels.

3) Example of the Marketplace fee calculation

Are you still not fully convinced? This example shows you how the Marketplace fee is applied, when a new customer joins your studio coming from Eversports.

Let’s assume that a new customer finds your studio on Eversports and states that he comes from the Eversports platform. This customer buys a trial card for EUR 25 for the first month. The second month, the customer buys a membership for EUR 100 per month.

The Marketplace fee (16%) is calculated only in the first 7 months until the amount of EUR 625 is reached. Afterwards, the Marketplace fee is not applied anymore and the customer is considered a regular customer of the studio.

The more revenue this customer generates for you, the lower the ratio of the Marketplace fee for this single customer. After 12 months, this customer generated a revenue of EUR 1.125 and you paid EUR 100 referral fee. In the end, the percentage of the Marketplace fee is only 9%.

The additional revenue per month generated by this one customer is already more than many of our partners pay monthly for their Eversports Manager.

Our goal is that the revenue brought by the new customers coming from Eversports exceeds the costs of the Eversports Manager. This way, Eversports will eventually not represent a cost for your company, but rather a source of additional income.

3) FAQs about the Eversports Marketplace

The Eversports Marketplace benefits your business in multiple ways. Let us walk you through all the details step by step.

1. What are the advantages of the Eversports Marketplace?

  • With no additional effort on your side, you will reach an increasingly wider target. Just imagine that there are now more than 200.000 active Eversports customers per month who browse the Eversports website and app on a daily basis. And this number keeps growing every month.

  • Unlike other mainstream advertising channels, at Eversports there is no fixed rate for being listed on the Marketplace.

  • Eversports offers support to people on both sides of the Marketplace, including partners’ and guests’ administration, handling payments, confirming the identity of users, translating the platform into our partners’ languages, amongst many other things.

  • With an Eversports profile, you can easily showcase all your offers. This works like your business card, so here you can display your studio at its finest. Especially for smaller studios, this could already replace your website. At the same time, your Eversports profile is particularly suited for collecting reviews and can easily be shared on social media for instant conversion.

2. Which Eversports studios & venues are listed on the Marketplace?

All Eversports partners using Eversports Manager can offer their products online for them to be shown on the Marketplace.

Tip: Increase your chances of attracting new customers with a complete Eversports profile. Make sure that customers know where to find you, do not forget to upload your logo and pictures of your studio and add nice descriptions to your teachers and to the products in your online Shop.

3. How does Eversports acquire new customers?

  • At Eversports we work continuously to ensure that all our pages are top-listed in the Google organic ranking. This saves up important costs for you as we take care of the entire SEO optimization of search engine results. This way, when customers look for sports in your area, chances are high that they will easily come across your studio profile on the Eversports Marketplace.

  • Eversports conducts targeted marketing activities to promote their partners’ offer via the Marketplace.

  • Eversports continuously enters into collaborations with various partners, corporates, booking aggregators, marketing channels (magazines, online campaigns, blog articles, etc.).

4. What are the costs for new customers coming from the Marketplace?

It is extremely important for us to work in a transparent and fair way when it comes to finding a fair settlement for both sides.

For this reason:

  • No fixed costs nor prepayments apply.

  • Eversports charges the Marketplace fee only in the event of new customers joining your studio from the Eversports platforms.

  • Only in case of success the Marketplace fee amounts to 16% of the paid revenue by new customers that you win via the Marketplace.

  • Capped fee. The Marketplace fee amounts to max. EUR 100 per customer. Once this limit is reached, the Marketplace fee will stop. Any additional revenue made by this customer is entirely profit for the studio.

  • Transparent billing. The Marketplace fee is displayed separately in both your Eversports Manager > Billing and on your invoices.

Additionally, we work following a fairness principle, meaning that venues have the option to dispute the Marketplace fee if they believe it was charged wrongly. We trust our partners that they will not misuse this option.

5. How does Eversports determine that a booking is actually a new customer?

To guarantee transparency, we implemented a clear process to determine which customers should be considered “new customers gained via the Marketplace”:

  • When new customers make their first booking, the system automatically checks if the customer’s email address is already present in your list of customers. If the email address is already present in your customer list, the customer is considered an existing customer and the Marketplace fee is not applied.

  • If the email address is not in the list of your customers, the customer will be asked which booking channel they used to find your studio/venue (via your advertising, via friends referrals or via Eversports). Only if they indicate that they found your studio via Eversports, will they be considered new customers and the Marketplace fee will be applied.

6. How do I know which customers are considered Marketplace new customers?

In the menu Customers in your Eversports Manager, you can easily see who are the new customers that found your studio via the Eversports Marketplace.

These customers are considered Marketplace new customers and have an Eversports logo next to their name.

7. What if an already existing customer is considered erroneously a Marketplace customer?

Despite the above-mentioned measures, it is still possible that existing customers of your studio are identified as new customers coming from Eversports.

This may happen if the customer books with another email address or gives the wrong answer to the ‘New customer questions’.

In such a case, you can send an email to with proof that this customer is an existing customer of your studio (i.e. an old invoice). Please inform us max. 30 days within receiving the invoice and any wrongfully debited fee will be credited with the next monthly invoice.

8. Why is this network important to us?

Our mission at Eversports is to make sports happen.

With this goal in mind, we aim to create a vibrant community of loyal partners and together with them bring sports one step closer to everyone. This is why we work every day to build a far-reaching network of like-minded studios & venues to ensure that their offer is easily accessible online to as many people as possible.

This mission reflects in our products, which act as a meeting point between sport providers and sport fans alike:

We invite you once again to join this community and together with us, make sports happen.