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How to use the "Online Sign In" for online activities
Using the Online Sign In for your online activities
Classes that are offered online have a different Sign In menu than regular classes.
If you click on the "Sign-In" button in the class overview for an online class, you will be redirected to the Online Sign-In.

This Online Sign-In is designed for online activities and offers the following advantages:
The page is very fast, even with many registered participants.
The page is updated automatically (every 10 seconds). So you don't have to constantly refresh your browser.
The page has additional statistics about this lesson..
NOTE: Since your customers register themselves for the online class, there is no possibility to check-in a customer on the Online Sign-In.
If you need the "Offline Sign In" option, you can change the view at any time by clicking on the "More" button and go back to the old Sign-In.

For classes or training sessions that are not streamed online, you will still be taken to the normal "Offline Sign-In".
This is still the regular view of the "Offline Sign-In" for classes without an online stream.