Invoice settings

Invoice settings

Set up your invoices for your customers

Go to the menu Settings > Invoices. Here you can set up your invoices that will be sent to your customers every time they purchase something from you.

1) Invoice texts

Here you can personalize the layout of your invoices such as a greeting, introduction and closing text. As an example:

  • Introduction text: 'We reserve the right to charge you the following products and services.'

  • Closing text: 'Thank you for your purchase. Our latest terms and conditions apply to all purchases, unless otherwise agreed. If there are further questions, do not hesitate to contact us. All the best, your Yoga team.'

2) Company details on the invoice

Choose the information you want to show on your invoice by checking the boxes on the right side under 'Company details in the invoice' and add your logo.

It is recommended to have at least your e-mail, telephone number, IBAN and BIC displayed.

Also you can add your logo by uploading it under 'Invoice logo'.

TIP: Create a test invoice to see what your invoice looks like once its sent to your customers.

Information for multiple studios:
It is possible to customize the invoices for every studio individually. In that case, please repeat the process described above.