
Membership Promotions

How to create promotions for memberships

You can promote new memberships with promotional periods in the first week(s) / month(s) of a membership. 

In this article we explain you step by step how you can install the promotional periods and explain you what type of promotions you can create. 

How to create a membership with promotional periods

First you can read how to create a new membership here. 

For creating a promotional period there is now an option to enable promotional periods in the memberships settings.

When you enable this you can choose how many weeks/ months you want the promotional period to be: 

NOTE: The duration of the promotional period can not exceed the runtime of the membership. You can choose any number of periods that this discount will last up till the full amount of the initial runtime of the membership. 

Then you have to choose the amount of the promotional payment price below the recurring payment price of the membership. 

YOu can choose the discounted membership price yourself. It can be any price between 1€ and the amount of the recurrign payment. 

NOTE: This payment should be a minimum amount of 1€, to ensure that if customers pay online they verify their payment method for future membership payments. 

NOTE: Partial periods are not possible for memberships with promotions. You can only use full periods for promotional memberships that have a 'Due date (of the invoice)' with the setting 'membership start date'. 

NOTE: If you activate the automatic extension for the membership then the extended periods will be the normal price.  

Examples of ways to use the membership promotions

Here are some examples of how you can use these discounts: 

➡️ A member has signed up for a trial month with you:

Offer them an annual membership now and discount the first 3 months.


  • 1 year memberships for 50€
  • Promotional period of 3 months 50% off, so the first 3 months are 25€

➡️ A special event is coming up, e.g. Black Friday:

Make a special deal and offer the first period of your membership for only 1€ (minimum amount 1€).

  • 1 year memberships for 50€
  • Promotional period of the first month, with only a sign up cost of 1€. 
    So you set a promotional period of 1 month for 1€.

➡️ You have many customers with block cards and want them to become members:

Offer all your customers with block cards a membership with, for example, two months' discount. 


  • 1 year memberships for 50€
  • Promotional period of 2 months 50% off, so the first 2 months are 25€

How are the discounts visible for my customers? 

The discounted membership will be shown on the marketplace profile prices page as follows: 

This is how customers will see it in the membership information page on your widget: