Eversports Manager on your phone
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Add Eversports Manager to your phone screen

Access Eversports Manager easily from your telephone

You can use Eversports Manager on your phone as on your computer.
In order to do this, you can pin Eversports Manager to your phone's home screen.
This is very helpful for admins and teachers with Eversports login rights so that they can check classes directly from their phone.

IMPORTANT: Please remember that the Eversports App is only for your customers to book classes online. Learn here how the Eversports App works.

Follow these steps to add Eversports Studio Manager to your phone screen.

1) iPhone

  • Open Safari on your iPad or iPhone and go to app.eversportsmanager.com/login to set as the home page.

  • Tap the share button at the bottom of the screen.

  • Choose 'Add to Home Screen', give the shortcut a name and press 'Add' at the top right.

Source: link to the source.

2) Android

  • Open the browser on your phone and go to app.eversportsmanager.com/login.
    TIP: Open your browser on Google Chrome.

  • Open the menu of your browser and choose "Add to home screen".

  • Give it a name as the shortcut will be displayed on the your home screen.

  • By clicking on the shortcut, you can log in to the mobile version of the website, where you can use all functions as you are used to on the website.

    TIP: Save your login so that you are automatically logged it.