Keep track of your current cash flow, card receipts and withdrawals
The cash ledger registers all the cash payments and all payments made by (credit)cards on site. This way you are always informed about your current cash balance.
When you go to the menu Financials > Cash ledger, the current day is shown by default, but you can select any day or even whole periods.
On top of the page you will find a summary of the cash balance.
If you click on Show details, a more detailed overview will open.

Under the overview of the balance you will find an overview of the last entries and outputs paid in cash. To find certain transactions, you can filter the table by number, date, payment method, cashier and transaction type.

IMPORTANT: All invoices paid in cash or by card are entered automatically into the cash ledger. Each onsite sale therefore increases your cash balance. If you cancel an invoice that was paid in cash or with card, the cash balance is reduced automatically by the corresponding amount.
Manual pay in/out creation
You can create manual pay-ins or pay-outs at any time:
pay-out: if you take out cash for purchases from the cash register
pay-in: if you sell something onsite or put change into the cash register.

You can make manual pay-ins by clicking on the button Enter manual withdrawal / deposit. In the popup follow the next steps:
Click on Pay-In or Pay-Out as needed and enter the corresponding amount.
Select a VAT account.
Add a note to keep track why the money was paid-in or paid-out.
Complete the process with 'Enter payout'.

IMPORTANT: The amount in the cash ledger must always correspond to the amount that is physically in your cash register. All receipts that you print, both for card and cash payments, should be placed in the cash register as receipts.
Export the cash ledger
If you want to export your cash ledger, e.g. for your tax consultant, you can click on More > Export transactions via CSV button in the upper right corner and save the file.
You also have the option of a daily report. Which you can find by clicking on the button Daily report. This report will help you and your staff to check the cash balance at the end of the day. In the daily report you will find all cash transactions (including card payments on site) and additionally the cashier and the invoice number will be displayed. Possible input errors can be easily found with the help of this report.