Assign & modify existing products
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  3. Assign & modify existing products

Edit sold products

Change the settings of already sold block cards and time cards

It is possible to change the settings of products that have already been assigned to customers.
For example, you can adjust the validity period of a block card or the number of credits that the product offers.

In order to do so, go to the menu Customers and select the customer profile.

In the tab Products, you find a list of all active products, divided into Services (block cards, time cards, and tickets), Memberships, and Videos.
The used or expired products are listed under the second tab “ Used products”.

If you click on the three dots next to a product you can do three actions:

  • Edit - here you view the settings of the product and modify them.

  • The invoice shows you directly the respective invoice for this purchase.

  • Visits - here you can view the bookings that have been made with this given product.


With a click on 'Edit', a new window will pop up where you can edit the product settings, for example, the period of validity (inserting a new date, or changing the product duration) and the number of credits.


Before you save the changes, you have to state a reason that will be recorded in the protocol.
Once you have saved the changes, you can view them by clicking on the comment symbol next to the product name.