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Share a blockcard between two customers
Family account - sharing a blockkaart between two customers
With a family account, multiple customers' bookings can be managed from one account, with one email address. However, each customer must have their own product (blockcard, subscription, etc.) to register for a class.
So, they cannot share the same stripe card. If they still want to share a blockcard, here is a solution. Follow the steps below.
In the example below: Marie has a blockcard with 10 credits, and she wants to share it with Marie Junior, so they each have 5 credits.
Go to Marie Junior's profile.
Click on the shopping cart or "Sell Service" (in the Products tab):

Select the block card of 10 lessons.
Click on the green pencil to change the credits on this block

Marie has already paid for the blockcard, so you give the strip card to Marie Junior for free, at a 100% discount:

Change the number of units on the blockcard (5 units instead of 10 in the example). You can also set the start and end date of the blockcard.
Add a reason (visible only to yourself) and save:

Select the payment method "Cash."
Click "Without invoice/voucher/email" to complete:

Go to Marie's profile (the person with the original blockcard) and then the Products tab.
Click on the 3 dots > Edit next to the 10 blockcard:
Change the number of credits (to 5 credits, for example).
Enter a reason (visible only to yourself, to remember the change), and save:

Both clients now have a 5-blockcard on their profiles: