Introduction menu Customers
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  3. Introduction menu Customers

Overview of a customer profile

Where to find and edit all the information on your customers

In the menu Customers, go to a customer profile and you will see their personal data.

1) General settings

  • In the first tab Summary, you find an overview of past and future bookings, if the customer has any active products, and also a shortcut to all invoices of this customer.

  • The second tab is Details, here you find all relevant data of this customer, i.e. email address, newsletter preferences, saved payment methods (i.e. SEPA mandates), etc.
    You can assign a customer group to a customer further down by simply choosing the right customer group. You can see directly if the customer already accepted your Data protection too.

  • In the third tab Products, you find the information regarding their current and past products (services, memberships, and videos), i.e. the validity and the number of units left.
    By clicking on the three dots next to each product, you can see further details of the product, i.e. the invoice or the visits that were booked.
    You can sell new products either by clicking on the shopping cart above or on the buttons 'Sell product' and 'Sell membership'.

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  • At last, you can click on the top right corner on 'Edit customer' to modify the customer information.
    Or you can click on the three dots i.e. to see all the invoices, create a teacher profile and assign to your teachers/trainers the login rights to your system.

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2) The booking overview

In the tab Summary, you can access the overview of present and past bookings and the overview of future bookings.

By clicking on one of those fields you get to the booking history, which enlists all information for each booking.
The list shows which course the customer booked if the booking was made online or by the studio, what product was used to book, and whether the customer was marked as present.image 4