Automatic emails, better display of outdoor activities, no-shows report, family accounts
Your Eversports Manager has been updated again with improvements that will make your summer 2021 a lot easier.
Here are all the details about the updates:
1) Automated emails (BETA)
Since it's difficult to attract new customers during the COVID period, it's even more important to give your new customers an unforgettable first visit to keep them coming back. And since attendees often have many questions in advance, we want to offer you an easy way to answer their most important questions in advance with an automated email.
You can find the new feature in the menu Marketing, under the tab Communication (BETA).
TIP: If you don't see the menu Marketing yet, you can easily unlock this free extension in the menu Market.

Next to automated email before the first visit, we are working on other useful automated emails, i.e. an email for people who booked once and did not make a second booking afterwards. You will find them soon in this tab Communication - check it regularly!
2) Improvements for outdoor activities
Summer is here and many of you have already started moving classes and training outdoors. To make it easier for your participants to find them, new improvements have been made to the Eversports app.

In your Eversports Manager, you can now mark locations as "outdoor location". You can also flexibly drag the pin to the exact location of the activity on the map.
Outdoor classes and workouts are displayed in the Eversports app with a tree icon. This makes it easy for your customers to see if the activity is outdoors or indoors.

You can find all the details about outdoor classes in this Help Center article.
3) Report of No-Shows
Currently, many studios work with a limited number of participants. Therefore, it is a problem when customers with unlimited passes or memberships book a place and do not show up.
In order to quickly recognize these customers, you can use the no-show report in your Eversports Manager.

With this report, you can see all the absent participants over a certain period of time (maximum 1 month).
You can then notify the concerned customers (by email or by phone). Additionally, if you work with customer groups, you can group these customers together and for instance restrict the possible number of future visits.
4) Booking for family members (Family accounts)
We had already communicated this, however this is a reminder for those who may not have seen the communication.
Do you have customers with children for whom they book your activities?
Parents can now use their own Eversports account to make bookings for their family members.
They can add one or more family members to their online account and manage all bookings exclusively through their Eversports account.

Nothing changes in your Eversports Manager. Family members are displayed as separate clients.
Here you will find more information:
for you - information on family accounts
for your customers - quick guide that you can share with your customers.
We wish you all the best for this summer!
Your Eversports Team