New text editor, template for online invoice emails, new & improved search page on the Eversports website
With our new update we want to enable you to communicate better with your customers and more in a more personalized way. Improved search pages will also help potential customers to find your studio.
1) More formatting options with the new text editor
We have started to replace the previously used text editor with a new editor. You can already find the new editors in menu Settings and in menu Marketing > Communication. The new editors open new doors for your better communication:
You can now split your texts and use both line breaks (by pressing "Shift" + "Enter") and new paragraphs (by pressing "Enter").
In some places we now allow advanced formatting options, such as adjusting the font size. This allows you to better define headings in your communication for a clear overview.
You can now use selected emojis in emails in menu Marketing to make your communication even more personal. We are still working on bringing you the full range of emojis in the future. Until then, you can already use the selected emojis for your communications in menu Marketing > Communication.
You can now split your texts and use both line breaks (by pressing "Shift" + "Enter") and new paragraphs (by pressing "Enter").
In some places we now allow advanced formatting options, such as adjusting the font size. This allows you to better define headings in your communication for a clear overview.
You can now use selected emojis to make your communication even more personal. We are still working on bringing you the full range of emojis in the future. Until then, you can already use the selected emojis for your communications in menu Marketing > Communication.

Furthermore, we have also made sure that the "Additional information", which you can find in Settings > Widget, will be displayed in all booking confirmations (and not only in booking confirmations of widget bookings as before). This way, your customers will receive relevant information no matter which channel they use to book.

NOTE - Please note that the text editors in other places will be replaced gradually and it will take some time until you can use emojis in other messages. You can always refer to the menu bar in the editor to know what formatting options are currently supported.
2) Personalize the invoice email text for online purchases
When your customers buy something online at your studio, they receive automatically an invoice by email. We have now added the text of this mail to the Marketing > Communication . You can now personalize the text to fit your style and your studio.

3) New studio search pages on the Eversports website
To help you attract new customers to your studio, we have completely redesigned our studio search pages and improved the search algorithm. These changes are based upon numerous user interviews. This way we increase the relevance and visibility of your studio for new customers.
Here some tips to present your studio in the best possible way:
The most important changes in the new studio search page are:
A large map view so customers can find studios near them at one single glance.
Relevant filters to pick out the right studio offer, e.g. filters for times of day, sub-sports, online offer, outdoor offer, trial opportunities, and much more.
Highlighting of important studio features like trial offers and sports by tags and badges.

4) Pictures of your trainers and teachers
As you surely know, your team of trainers and teachers is one of the most important factors for the success of your studio. That's why we are currently working on ideas to make trainers and teachers more visible to customers.
TIP: In order for customers to get a good impression of your team, it is very important that you upload photos of your team members. Complete now their profiles:

We hope you like our new features! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via the chat.
We wish you all the best with the new features and look forward to your feedback!
Team Eversports