All information that you need for your teachers and employees
In this article we show you all relevant information for your teachers and employees.
IMPORTANT: Assign login rights to your teachers and employees if they are allowed to access your system. Based on the selected role, they will be able to do or don't do some specific actions in your system.
Find here an overview of all login roles and the related permissions. -
LOGIN for all teachers and employees via
Following actions can be done by teachers & employees:
1) Activities: sign customers in and out
You can sign in and sign out customers via the Sign in of a given activity.
In the menu Activities, click on the respective activity and then on the Sign in button. For courses, workshops or events you also have the possibility to register customers for all dates.
Read here more information on how to use the Sign in.
In the Sign in window, you can easily register customers who are already in the system, create new customers and sell a suitable product to customers who do not have one.
2) Sell products
There are several ways to sell products to customers:
Directly in the Sign-in: sell products in the sign in.
In the menu Finance > Selling: sell products to your customers
In the customer profile (not visible for teachers)
In order to sell a product to the customer, follow these steps:
Select the requested product on the right side. This can be services, items and vouchers.
Select the payment method (cash, bank transfer, etc.).
Select the method of sending the invoice. You can choose between receipt, PFD, email or NO invoice.
NOTE: If you select NO invoice the invoice will still be created, but will not be sent to the customer.
3) Settle open participations (without a product)
When customers have a booking without a valid product, they will appear as "no product" bookings.
You can see this for example in the Sign in of the class.
Read here more information on how to solve this.
4) Check invoices
In the menu Financials > Invoices, you can only see today's and yesterday's invoices and set eventual open invoices to 'paid'.
FOR MANAGERS ONLY (not visible for teachers):
5) Create a new customer
To create a new customer, go to the menu item Customers and click on Create new customer. Read here more info on how to create a customer.
6) View menu Customer Management
Under the menu Customers you can see all customers and their data. If you click on a name, the detail window opens, where you can see the product overview and history of the respective customer in addition to the personal data.
TIP: Here you can also sell new products to the customers, if they have no more current products.