Assign memberships that your customers already bought in your previous system
Here we explain you how to assign a current membership to a client. This is a membership that is already in use.
Step 1 - Select the customer
Go to the menu Customers and search for the customer name.
In the customer account go to the Products tab and choose 'Sell Membership'. Enter the following details: the membership, the start date (and possibly the payment method).
IMPORTANT - Do you want to assign a membership with the payment method automatic SEPA online?
If so, first follow these instructions to create a SEPA mandate in Customer profile > Details > SEPA.

Step 2 - Select the membership
Now you can assign to your customers one of the membership that you previously created.
Enter the following details: the membership, the start date (e.g. if it is in the past), and possibly the payment method.
There are 3 payment methods you can select:
auto-SEPA: If you have created a SEPA mandate (Customer profile > Details > SEPA) you can now select this option. The invoices will then be collected automatically. The collection request will be executed on the indicated SEPA date.
Open: The invoices are displayed as 'open invoices' in the invoices overview. In this case, you have to manually set the invoice status to 'paid' once the customer pays the transaction.
Bank Transfer: The invoices are created with the status 'paid'. You then need to check your bank account each time to see if the customer has transferred the amount.
Step 3 - Edit the membership settings
After selecting the membership, click on the tab Edit.
Make sure that you always go back to the Preview tab to see what effect your modification has.
IMPORTANT - you cannot change these settings afterward.

What settings can you change?
The invoice date determines on which day the billing cycle starts.
If you choose the 1st of the month, an invoice is created for each calendar month. If you choose another date, e.g. 14th, the invoicing cycle will run from e.g. the 14th of January until the 13th of February, etc. -
SEPA date: This is the date the direct debit is sent out for processing.
Processing takes 2 to 6 business days.
TIP: We recommend putting the invoice date and the SEPA date on the 1st of the month so that it remains clear for you and your customers. -
Runtime: The fixed minimum duration of the membership.
Automatic extension: Whether or not to renew after the term of the membership.
Cancellation period: How much time in advance the client needs to cancel the membership. This also takes into account the duration of the membership.
Admission fee: Loose amount that a new customer has to pay before starting.
This cannot be applied to memberships purchased online. -
Amount recurring payment: This is the membership price.
Payment of all: How often the price needs to be paid.
The most used is 'per month'. (In case of automatic SEPA only per month is possible, in case of bank transfer/cash/pin an invoice can also be made per 3 months).

Step 4 - Assign the membership
Are you satisfied with the data of the invoices? Then choose the green button 'Next' to see a summary of the settings.
NOTE: if you have chosen a start date in the past, you can choose here if you want to create past invoices or not.
Leave the checkbox blank if you DO NOT want past invoices to be created.