Financial reports with with sales and income information for you and your tax advisor
If you would like to export financial reports about your sales and income in Eversports Manager, go to the menu Financials > Reports.
Select on the right-hand side the timeframe you would like to export (i.e. one month)
Select the type of export that you would like to export

What reports can I export and for what purpose?
There are five different reports types that you can export. Each of them has its own characteristics and can be used for a different purpose:
Sales & revenue accounts
This report is generated based on the invoice date of your sales and revenue. It includes your revenue split by VAT percentage, payment state, cancelled invoices and voucher sales. You can forward this export to your tax advisor to check your revenue and income. -
Payment methods & cashier
This report is generated based on the transaction date of your sales. This report is an overview of the sales per employee and payment type. This is NOT relevant for your bookkeeping but can be used to analyse your business operations. -
Product sales & discounts
This report is generated based on the transaction date of your sales. It shows which products were sold (paid and unpaid) and how many, including discounts.
You export this as PDF or CSV file to make individual analyses even easier. -
CSV export of all payments
This report is based on the transaction date of your payments. The CSV lists every payment made within the selected period. -
CSV export of all invoices
This report is based on the invoice date of your invoices created (paid and unpaid) within the selected period. You can forward this to your tax advisor each month.
Why do my exports NOT match with each other?
Eversports Manager provides you with different types of exports which have different purposes and are based on different calculations.
These distinctions represent necessary information for your tax advisor.
Please make sure that you do NOT compare numbers across different types of exports yourself as they purposefully will not match.
Example: The report 'Sales and revenues accounts' is based on the invoice date (when the product is sold), while the report 'CSV of all payments' is based on the transaction date (when the product is paid). These reports are based on two different calculations and cannot be compared.
Exports for limited liability companies
If you are a limited liability company, your financial reports must show all invoices paid and unpaid. In order to create the correct reports for your company form, go to the menu Settings > Financials > Creation of Reports and tick the box.

IMPORTANT: in case you have a small business and do not need to show your VAT % on your invoices, please contact Support. We can adapt this for you.